May 2011
May 31, 2011 -- Watching Liberal TV...My wife is off to another State baby-sitting our grandchildren for a week, so I am left with the TV in my own hands. (When she is in control, we generally watch the House and Garden network. It's not bad.) My favorite Left-wing political TV show is "The West Wing." I have the DVDs. I like the music, I like the people and their conversations, and I like the character development and human interest elements. The episodes I watched today from season one illustrated two problems with the Liberals and firearms. 1) They don't have their details straight. Sam Seaborn stated that a MAK90 was an AR15 (which YOU all know is wrong.) 2) They also pictured the 2nd Amendment's purpose as preserving the right of Americans to go hunting, which is NOT what the 2nd Amendment is about. As YOU all know who read the firearm blogs, the 2nd Amendment preserves the right of the people to have firearms just in case they ever need to free themselves from a government which encroaches on their rights. The West Wing folks are also unfair to Conservative Christians, and lump them all together with wild-eyed ignorant Aryan Nation types. But I'm patient and broad-minded, and I still enjoy the show. These days I don't care much for either Left-wing OR Right-wing TV. Everyone seems to "have an axe to grind." The talking heads love to talk, even if the topic is not worth thinking about. We need fewer politicians and more statesmen.
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A Comment from BB..."A sensible voice from the right, how refreshing, and remarkable from a gun advocate who, more remarkably, has the breadth of intellect to appreciate the West Wing series, television's leading Emmy winner of all time. I like to think I'm a sensible voice from the left, or mostly from the left, and agree with your paraphrasing of the 2nd Amendment, that it 'preserves the right of the people to have firearms just in case they ever need to free themselves from a government which encroaches on their rights,' as you state. It makes me think about context, though. The writers of the second amendment were staring down the bores of British muskets without the comfort of armed and elected local, county, state and national militias to defend the citizenry. It's a different world now, our society has grown more crowded and complicated. The fringe elements are greater in number. Lots more crazies, wouldn't you agree? My view about firearms is this: Why don't thoughtful, intelligent gun advocates, of which I count myself, assume that they are sufficiently cunning to find and procure any number or variety of weapons they so desire, regardless of legal restrictions? Why do these same people insist on making it effortless for every crazy, craven American to buy a weapon to rob, rape or indiscriminately shoot an Arizona congresswoman? These will be the people roaming the streets in gangs when society inevitably breaks down. You would stand a better chance to preserve your home if they were not so easily armed to the teeth. I enjoyed your point of view. I share your frustration with far left and far right media.
I'm a West Wing fan, too. One of my favorite soliloquies was C.J. Cregg from the briefing podium:
'There were 36 homicides last night. 480 sexual assaults. 3411 robberies. 3685 aggravated assaults, all at gun point. And if anyone thinks those crimes could have been prevented if the victims themselves had been carrying guns, I need only remind you that the President of the United States was shot last night while surrounded by the best-trained armed guards in the history of the world.' On the West Wing it was fiction, just the characters President Bartlet and Josh Lyman who were shot. In the real world it was Presidents Kennedy and Reagan, and Gabby Giffords. I submit that possibly one or more of them: Oswald, Hinkley or Loughner, might have been unsuccessful with tougher gun laws. From your command of language and reason I assume you would still be smart enough to obtain a howitzer if that’s what you really wanted. Just some thoughts. Enjoy your day."
A Comment from DJ..."The West Wing was a good show compared to half the crap on TV today. With "reality TV" the networks no longer invest much money in shows. The Second Amendment issue will always be shown from the extreme."
A Comment from Bob..."I never watched The West Wing, as comedy shows seemed to always be in that time slot. My favorites: Seinfeld, Boston Legal, Two and Half Men, are certainly Liberal. Compared to the old Ed Sullivan type censorship these shows would be vulgar and pornographic; but are often considered funny and mainstream today. Cop shows are still conservative viewpoints with guns and violence just being more realistic. I'm not sure historians have ever agreed on the original intent of the 2nd Amendment; but the Supreme Court has separated "militia" from "to bear arms" making it an individual right; but I
recall that as a 5/4 decision, and it could change with the next Justice appointment."
May 30, 2011 -- MEMORIAL DAY: Remembering Our Dead Departed...One of my favorite Bible passages has to do with what happens to those who die (Paul says they have "fallen asleep"), and how we will someday be re-united with them. Here is the passage from the Book of I Thessalonians, Chapter Four:
13 ¶ Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.
14 We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.
15 According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.
16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord for ever.
18 Therefore encourage each other with these words.
One of my favorite songs for remembering fallen Veterans is "The Mansions of the Lord." CLICK HERE to view a great video, and hear the moving song.
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A Comment from PW..."Perhaps your most profound posting since you created this blog. For all who place their trust in Jesus Christ, I fully expect we will all be reunited someday. Your video tribute had both power and purpose. Our fallen dead are honored by your remembrance. Those who fail to remember likely do not deserve the benefits of the sacrifice of these fallen heroes."
May 29, 2011 -- They Start with "M"...USA military firearms often are designated by numbers preceded by the letter "M," and they can get kind of confusing. Here's a list of some that you may hear of more often:
M1 Garand -- Patton's favorite WW2 semi-auto battle rifle
M1 Carbine -- The M1 carbine is a lightweight semi-automatic carbine that became a standard firearm for the U.S. military during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
M2 "Ma Deuce" -- A heavy .50 caliber machine rifle with a max effective range of 2,000 meters.
M4 Carbine -- The M-4 combat assault rifle first entered Army service in 1997. The rifle is the standard weapon used by some Army units such as the 82nd Airborne Division and special operations units, such as Army Rangers.
M9 -- A 9mm pistol made by Beretta which replaced the M-1911A1 .45 in 1985.
M14 -- The M14 rifle is an American selective fire automatic rifle firing 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Winchester) ammunition. It was the standard issue U.S. rifle from 1959 to 1970.
M16 -- The M16 is the United States Military designation for the AR-15 rifle. Colt purchased the rights to the AR-15 from ArmaLite and currently uses that designation only for semi-automatic versions of the rifle. The M16 entered United States Army service and was deployed for jungle warfare operations in South Vietnam in 1963, becoming the U.S. Military's standard service rifle of the Vietnam War by 1969, replacing the M14 rifle in that role.
MP5 -- The MP5 fires from a closed and locked bolt in either the automatic or semiautomatic modes. This weapon is manufactured by Heckler and Koch and is presently fielded to Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance Companies and Marine Security Force Battalions, and Special Operations Units, such as Army Rangers, Delta Force, and Navy SEALS.
For more information, TRY THIS LINK.
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May 28, 2011 -- Families Who Disagree About Guns...In all of my immediate and extended family I am the only one who likes guns, and who wants to carry a gun as a normal routine of life. I used to have an Uncle (who has passed away) who was an FBI agent in Lawton, Oklahoma, and who carried a snub-nosed .38. But no one else. My daughter and her husband have two 7-year-old girls. When I visit in their home, or when they come to visit in my home, they request that I not carry a gun. So, I lock up my P-3AT, which I normally carry 24/7 in my pocket. And for however long we visit, I am un-armed. Even though I know that I probably won't need my pistol these few days, I still am a bit uncomfortable. These grand-daughters of mine are extremely precious to me, and if the need SHOULD arise to come to their aid, I would rather be armed. (I'm just a fat, old, out-of-shape Opa!) But, I acquiesce to my daughter's wishes while they are visiting. I don't like it, but I feel that it's wise for me to go along. There are some men who say "This is my home, and I carry, and if you don't like it then you don't have to visit." But I could never say or do something like that. A little compromise here and there is a necessity of life. I'm sure some of YOU have similar situations with your families.
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A Comment from IG..."I don't disagree with your actions, I would probably do the same thing. Although it does make me very unhappy, this is just another form of that worthless "politically correct" thing, that relatives come into the home and tell one what to do...I agree with what you did, and hold you in the highest regard; although I don't know how I would act in such a situation...The best to you, and although it is high odds that you will ever need your firearm, I pray you do not."
A Comment from KM..."Your argument seems to suggest that you respect other's opinions. I feel that is quite necessary in a civil world. It suggests, too that you aren't some crazed, obsessive fanatic! I'll read on, you've got my interest!"
A Comment from Bob..."If the relationship with the children involves rolling around on the floor playfully, or letting them search your pockets for goodies, etc, then definitely don't carry a gun. I'm too old for that, but I do enjoy holding my granddaughters' hands, picking them up (at least the smaller one, 5,7) and rarely they will sit on my lap watching TV. But I'm still in code yellow, and not on anyone's radar screen for concealed carry. I realize you don't have that luxury with your high profile website, and anyone in your situation would do the same."
A Comment from DJ..."Nothing can replace family dynamics. We all must adjust, especially when it comes to family. In my opinion, the fact that you are willing to adjust for your family makes you, simply put, a practical Dad!"
May 27, 2011 -- The Presidential Election Campaigning Has Begun...About a month ago Rep. Michele Bachmann from Minnesota addressed (by video) the Annual NRA meeting in Pittsburgh, and urged gun owners to get out the vote. "The right to keep and bear arms has to be protected because the Second Amendment is the final guarantor of all our constitutional rights...In 18 months, we'll...have the opportunity to repeal the current President, and elect a Constitutional conservative, who will protect our Second Amendment rights." Noting that she's an NRA member, she praised Minnesota's tradition of gun ownership. "I trust that you're locked and loaded...The NRA is a great organization that's fought for over 100 years to protect the rights of all Americans to keep and bear arms. I'm committed to preserving our Second Amendment liberties for the next generation." Chris Cox, the executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action said, "She's relentless, tough and a tremendous supporter of the right to keep and bear arms...When she was 12, she passed her first gun safety glass and started a lifetime of shooting." Years ago, when she was running for election in Minnesota, she stated that she supported the 2nd Amendment because she supported the right to hunt. In Congress she has supported a national reciprocity for State handgun permits. It will be interesting to see in the future how her views compare with Pawlenty, Palin and other GOP candidates. (Huckabee and Trump have already exited, though I hear that Trump's hair will continue to run!) We already know that Romney supports gun control.
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A Comment from KM..."I like my gun rights, and many Democrats seem to be accused of encroaching on those rights. Some of that may be true, but, the reality is, they often haven't been that rough on us. The screaming fears of 'President Obama will ruin our gun rights' just hasn’t happened.
His administration didn't formulate the Patriot Act, either. A Democratic Congress didn't push it through, this time, either."
A Comment from Bob..."The Democrats would probably look forward to facing Bachmann as a presidential candidate; who, like Palin, can certainly fire up the far right wing, but would ultimately be rejected by mainstream voters. Both Bachmann and Pawlenty come from Minnesota, and will have a hard time explaining how their State got into a $23.6 billion budget shortfall as of fiscal 2011. Although I love guns, I'm not a single issue voter, and really don't believe the 2nd Amendment is in any danger."
A Comment from IG..."Wake up! The Second Amendment is the first to go, so we will be defenceless against a "Gestapo Government." Let us not be led to the slaughter like sheep!"
Another Comment from Bob..."Obama just renewed the Patriot Act for 4 more years yesterday. The Patriot Act is the most direct assault on the Bill of Rights in our history, and way more dangerous than chipping away at the Second Amendment."
May 26, 2011 -- Cultivating a Tactical Approach to Life...Col. John Dean "Jeff" Cooper (May 10, 1920 - September 25, 2006) is the father of modern handgun shooting technique, and one of the 20th century's foremost international experts on the use and history of small arms. He made many quips, and wrote some well known books. One of his teachings is that the wise individual would cultivate a "tactical approach to life." By that he meant essentially ALERTNESS. In his little booklet (1989) Principles of Personal Defense he gave the following rules: 1) Know what is behind you. 2) Pay special attention to anything that looks out of place. 3) Let no stranger take your hand. 4) Never open your house door to a stranger. Cooper realized that many people would consider these rules as unnecessarily melodramatic or paranoid; however he taught that when these rules became permanently ingrained as a way of life, they became automatic, and were similar to how we automatically put on our seatbelts when we enter our cars. The tactical approach to life is comforting, even when it is unnecessary. If you are not familiar with Col. Cooper, you should Google his name, and learn about him. He was one of the giants in the "gun culture."
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A Comment from Bob..."Having attained enlightenment about a decade ago, I have lived in code yellow ever since. But, every once in a while I have a fleeting memory of the bliss of naiveté with a child's view of an exciting, beautiful and safe world... Cooper was a giant but I got serious too late about guns and
missed him and instead followed Smith, Suarez and Janich who are undoubtedly Cooper students. Good article."
A Comment from DJ..."Certainly a legend, the color code system remains an excellent guide on safety beyond firearms."
May 25, 2011 -- Concealed Carry vs Open Carry...My home State, Tennessee, is one of those States which issue a handgun carry permit that is not designated "concealed." In other words, as far as the law is concerned, you may carry your pistol visibly on your hip, if you so choose. You are not required by law to keep it hidden. It is merely a "handgun carry permit." But I would like to strongly recommend that if you have a permit in Tennessee, or in any other State, that you stick with carrying your gun well and fully concealed. Why? 1) If you carry your handgun openly, many people will be shocked and afraid, and someone will call the police. Then you will have to go through the hassle of showing your permit, and being STRONGLY encouraged by the police to conceal your weapon. The police will NOT allow you to cause a public disturbance. 2) If you carry your handgun openly, people will think you are a dangerous nut. You may lose friends. Even your family may distance themselves from you. 3) If you carry your handgun openly, you leave yourself open to having your handgun forcibly taken from you by thieves. It would be so easy for two or three young, strong and active hoodlums to jump on you and steal your firearm. 4) If you carry your gun fully concealed, then you retain the possibility of getting the jump on criminals who don't suspect that you have a gun. So, don't be a jerk. Keep your handgun undercover, and reap the benefits of being secretly armed. Finally, don't tell just anyone that you have a permit and are carrying, unless you know ahead of time that they will be sympathetic.
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A Comment from MV..."All good reasons but I'd like to add two others. First, all adults are examples to children, for good or bad. Being naturally curious, kids are known to emulate even strangers so let's teach our children proper 'gun etiquette'. Also, down in South Georgia where we lived many years ago, a young man who only had his GA permit a few weeks, was shot by a robber who ran into a local convenience store brandishing a gun. Upon seeing the young man with a gun on his hip, he fired first at the customer then robbed the store at gun point. The young man lived through the encounter, but open carry caused his problem. I'll always remember that. We must remember that here in TN we can only draw our gun when we feel our life or the life of another is threatened. Always count the cost of your actions."
A Comment from GC..."Arkansas does not allow open carry, other than in a few places, so I have to carry my weapon concealed. I don't object to this, since I agree with your reasons. I do see some value in a right to carry openly, in that it would protect someone whose handgun gets accidently exposed."
A Comment from Bob..."Indiana issues the same kind of carry permit, open or concealed. I have not seen anyone open carry around where I live, but if I did I would be alarmed. The open carry individual (in a non-hunting or other suitable environment) in my mind is a gun flasher, exhibitionist, or nutcase, all of whom are potentially dangerous; and therefore, I would exit the immediate area. The gun in your face types will incite the gun grabbers faster than drive-by shootings, which usually don't happen in good neighborhoods."
A Comment from MM..."Here in AZ, the center of the world of gun rights (I'm not too proud to admit!), the balance has been long tipped so that open carry doesn't generate a lot of attention. At least weekly I see someone at the barber or grocery store sporting a revolver. Locals hardly notice. The police would not come if called unless a gun was drawn. Its a shame to me that so many newcomers here are so surprised to find gun rights as they should be! It won't be long before we get the campus carry law passed. Then we will have true harmony and peace!"
May 24, 2011 -- Yesterday was a gun-fun day...I had lunch yesterday with a very knowledgeable "gun-guy" at the Mt. Vernon restaurant in Chattanooga. It's a nice place to eat, with excellent food. He had the catfish, I had the meatloaf, and we talked guns for about an hour, and had a good time. Then I went shopping for a Kel-Tec PF9. The first place I stopped was Pawn Depot, a new pawn shop at 3646 Brainerd Road, across from O'Reilly's Auto Parts.(423) 933-3693. I bought two guns there several months ago, and they are friendly and open to offers. But, they had no PF9. Then I visited another pawn shop further down Lee Hwy. They had a PF9, but their price (even after a little dickering) was $50 too high, so I passed. My next stop was Shooter's Depot on Shallowford Rd at Hwy 153, and there I struck gold. They didn't have the PF9 I was hunting, BUT they had the older brother, the P11. It was just barely used, had two magazines, and the price was reasonable. Plus, they knocked off another $30, which made my wallet happy. (I always get good deals at Shooter's Depot.) The PF9 and the P11 are virtually the same dimensions, except the P11 is 2 ounces heavier, and a tad thicker, to accept the 12-round double-stack magazine. When I got home, I had more good news: Diamondback Firearms emailed me that they are going to send me one of their new 9mm pocket pistols for testing and evaluation. It will be several weeks, but look for a review here on This little DB9 is only .80 inches thick, and weighs two ounces less than Kel-Tec's PF9. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it.
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A Comment from Del..."Ahh, your fifth P11; and I remember what you said: If you ever got another one you will keep it. lol. Well in case you don't, let me know. I might be in the market for one, if timing is right. I have compared P11 with PF9 and Kahr CM9, etc etc ad infititum. I keep coming back to the P11 for personal defense. CM can digest +P while for the others it isn't recommended. I personally want to practice a lot with my carry ammo. If I were an LEO looking for a backup, I would go with the CM9. For my own CCW, I still like the P11. Had one. Will get another. Enjoy your new toy. And I can't wait to hear more about the DB9 as well."
A Comment from DJ..."I see you got touched by the Kel-Tec bug again, good pickup. I can't wait to read what you think about the Diamond 9mm."
May 23, 2011 - Gun Charts and Measurements...This website ( has a number of charts of pocket pistols and smaller 9mm pistols. On these charts we try to give the "vital statistics" of these guns. (If you are trying to choose a pocket pistol, and you know these measurements, you can eliminate guns that are too large from your time and consideration, so these charts are valuable.) But there is a fly in the ointment: measuring technique. How do you measure a gun? What instruments do you use? What "protuberances" do you include or exclude in your measurements? Do you measure with a magazine in, or out, of the gun? Do you measure with a scientific caliper, or do you put your gun on a piece of paper, mark the dimensions with a pen, and then measure with a ruler? Do you measure in inches or in centimeters? Suppose you go to the website of the manufacturer: how does the maker do measurements? Does he "fudge" a little bit in order to make his gun more competitive with someone else's product? BOBO suggests we standardize our measurements to the rectangular box (see this photo link). I think his method looks very good, but I doubt we will get everyone to come on board. Another problem is that no two people come up with the same measurements, even using the same instruments. I have scientific caliper measurements of the Kahr PM9/CM9 from three different individuals, and they all are different!
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A Comment from Bob..."Although dimensional sizes (height, length,thickness) may vary a little according to the measurer's ability, and perhaps technique used, you would think all weights would be near exactly the same -- but not so. I've seen significant variations, and interestingly, some weights are without any magazine included. By the way, the Under 20 oz Chart is excellent but overlooked by me, until recently.
PS - Listed on the above chart is the Casull 2000, a mini double action revolver in 22LR that I never new existed. Well, its not made anymore, but it would have been a cool mousegun to own."
May 22, 2011 -- I Am A Fan of the Jews...I've always liked Jewish people. As a boy growing up in Iowa, several of my friends were Jewish. We had a fairly large synagogue in our small mid-western town, and Jews were leading lawyers, doctors, musicians and businessmen. It's my opinion that as a rule Jews are smarter and more talented than the rest of us. The Jews I know today are leading citizens of the Chattanooga area. One of the organizations that I have supported (a little bit) financially is Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO). I have never been able to understand why there are so many Jewish Congressmen and Senators who favor disarming the American people, of course including Jews. With the memory of the Holocaust in our minds, how can we favor a disarmed and vulnerable citizenry? (Here's an interesting letter from a Rabbi to a Jewish Congressman explaining the situation.) Jews in Israel are encouraged to go armed by the Israeli government. At least some teachers in every school are armed. School bus drivers are issued guns and encouraged to carry their private firearms. At least one armed teacher or parent must ride along on every school field trip. All gun ownership in Israel requires having a permit which is issued to any responsible, law abiding adult who can show some kind of need. Permits are easy to get.
If you legally have a gun, you are allowed to carry it concealed or unconcealed. In any big crowd of citizens, there are some people with their personal handguns on them. Military service is universal for Jews, and they are all therefore trained to use both handguns and rifles. About 10 percent of Jewish adults in Israel now have permits to own and carry handguns. GO HERE FOR MORE INFO.
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A Comment from Bob..."About 80% of Jews vote Democratic in the USA; which makes them progressive and liberal in their politics, because there was a time when a conservative America was largely prejudiced against Jews. Now contrast that with ultra conservative Israelis, who are hugely prejudiced against Palestinians; and
individual gun ownership is a necessity when you are enforcing a form of apartheid in a very volatile part of the world."
May 21, 2011 -- Guns I've Previously Owned That I Want Again...I puzzle myself sometimes, and don't always know what to do. There have been a good number of guns that I have owned over the years, which I liked really well, but ended up trading for other guns. Why? Because I want to expand my knowledge and experience. But I am not a strong-willed hard-headed individual. For example, right now I know where I can buy a shiny brand new stainless steel Taurus PT92 for a good price. I don't NEED this gun. I have already owned two of these. They are the Taurus version of the Beretta 92, built to last on Beretta machinery in Brazil, and improved by Taurus by relocating the decocker to the frame. This is a heavy duty 9mm gun that feels super in the hand, and shoots like a dream. I want another one, but if I stick with my previous "philosophy of gun buying" I will instead get something I've never had before. Another gun that I've owned already four times is the Kel-Tec P-11. This is a super little 9mm pistol. It costs less than $300, it's quite reliable, and it is ideal for IWB carry. With a Hogue grip on it, it feels good in my hand. I'd like another one of those, too. I keep telling myself though, if I buy either of these guns, I should make up my mind to never, ever sell them. Enough is enough!
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A Comment from Bob..."I know exactly what you mean as I consider myself to be a buy-sell-buyback offender and do this almost compulsively with books and guns. In the gun area I've repeatedly bought NAA mini-revolvers and gotten rid of them, only to be seduced into yet another purchase. Those guns don't walk the talk but
they are still so cool..."
A Comment from DJ..."There are some firearms that are keepers. I figured you would have kept the KT in your collection. Always hard to part with firearms!"
May 20, 2011 -- The Enemy Doesn't Play Fair...The problem with being a good person, fighting against those who are evil, is that your enemy will always get the advantage by stooping to dirty tricks. Those who are evil will lie, cheat, defraud, misrepresent, steal, slander and so on, and their dirty tricks often work. For example, a few days ago in Chattanooga we had a so-called "anti-crime" conference, sponsored by Chattanooga's Mayor. It was actually an anti-gun conference, and was led by Paul Helmke, CEO of the anti-gun Brady Campaign. The people at the conference were propagandized that we have a "gun show loophole," because private individuals may buy or sell with other private individuals at gun shows. They never make clear that eliminating the "gun show loophole" means eliminating ALL private transfers of guns between private individuals (private sales are still quite legal here in Tennessee). What the Brady Campaign wants to do is to make it illegal EVERYWHERE in the USA for any private individual to buy or sell a gun, without permission from the Federal Government. They shade the truth of their intentions, in order to get people to climb on board their campaign. Let us hope that these liars get caught in their lies, and called out in such a way that their true motives and ends will be made plain to the public and to city officials.
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A Comment from Bob..."Here is my Gun Show analogy which I call the Drug Show Loophole. Suppose that prescription drugs could be sold at Drug Shows without the need to have a doctor's prescription. Anybody could legally buy and/or sell drugs but only at Drug Shows. Any other time would of course require a doctor approved prescription. Now what is the likelihood that the wrong people will end up with some dangerous drugs?"
A Comment from PW..."This blog raises two really relevant points. First, we shouldn't have much expectation of being treated "fair." There is not much in life that is fair...a young girl's skin before age ten, the weather in the Springtime, and the picnic they have to pick the prize pig for the State. Those are all fair, but few other things really are. Secondly, it is not unusual this day and time for people to lie by "shading the truth" or putting their "spin" on things to mask their real motives. As for getting caught...'you may be sure that your sin will find you out.' Numbers 32:23 NIV"
May 19, 2011 -- The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is from God Alone...I remember several years back seeing President Bush in the Oval Office with Vladimir Putin of Russia. They were talking about human rights at their photo opportunity, and Bush was saying to Putin that human rights come from God, and not from the government. George Bush was exactly right, and people need to be taught the truth about their rights. The right to free speech is rooted in God's commandment not to bear false witness against your neighbor. The right to worship as you like is rooted in God's challenge to Israel: "Choose ye this day whom you will serve!" The right to keep and bear arms is rooted in the right to self-defense, and in the duty to protect the lives of our neighbors. "Thou shalt not kill" also means "Thou SHALT be strong to defend the weak against murderers and tyrants." Human rights are NOT handed down to us by our government. If the government can GIVE you rights, then the government can also TAKE AWAY your rights. No, rights come from God, and they are thereby "unalienable," as we read in the Declaration of Independence. The Bill of Rights was NOT invented by the government. Rather, it was FORCED onto the government by patriots who wanted to keep their government under control. The American people had better realize from whence their rights come, or they will have their rights trampled on. Freedom is diminishing every year, with every new regulation put on us citizens. Personally I like the Iowa State motto very much: "Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain." I was born in Iowa, and I intend to live by that motto for all my days. (End of sermon!)
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A Comment from MM..."I only have one minor disagreement with what you have said. I have always been taught and believed (after some research) that the Commandment actually should be translated as "Thou shall not Murder". To kill in defense of oneself or family or country is not a sin. Only when one kills without justification is it considered a sin. In my humble opinion, these are two very different things. Living by this interpretation, one should not hesitate to use deadly force to protect self or family (or other innocent victims if needed."
May 18, 2011 -- Legally Make Your AR-15 Full-Auto...Personally, I have no interest in owning a machine gun - a carbine that can dump an entire 30 round magazine in a single rapid burst. (That's probably not a TRULY accurate definition of a machine gun, but you get the idea.) I'm not interested for two reasons: 1) Machine guns in general are REALLY pricy. (There are only about 700 full-auto machine guns available for sale in the USA at any given time, so it is a seller's market. (Here's an AK47 for only $14,000.00. And don't forget the $200 transfer tax.) 2) Not only are machine guns expensive, you've got to be wealthy to shoot them. We're talking maybe $10 per burst with cheap ammo. So, if you fire it off a mere ten times, there goes $100. That's too rich for me! BUT, if you are a machine gun nut, and want to own one CHEAP, you are in luck. If you already own an AR15, there is a new bump-fire stock available, that REALLY works. It sells for $349.00, it's easy to install, and it is perfectly legal. Daniel Zimmerman, who does "The Truth About Guns" blog, has an informative and entertaining video. It's surely not a mousegun, but remember: "I like all the other guns, too!"
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A Comment from Bob..."For good reason, there are laws controlling full-automatic rifles; but it appears that Slide Fire (with probably some lawyers) have found a way to circumvent those laws. Scary... If I had a radar detector that would passively prevent police radar from determining how fast I was driving, would it be legal to speed using the same logic? Again, scary. If my military obsessed neighbor gets a fully-automatic AR-15 that's going to escalate the local arms race in my neck of the woods, because if I've
stockpiled food for the next stuff hitting the fan event and he gets hungry..."
May 17, 2011 -- A Mini 9mm Pistol...Someone suggested to me yesterday that in my search for a pocket 9mm I should consider the Diamondback DB9. This little guy was introduced to the world at the Shotshow last January, and I had forgotten about it. It only weighs 11 ounces, and is .80 inches thin. The magazine holds six rounds. Compare the DB9's size to Kel-Tec's PF9, which is advertised (until now) as the lightest (14 ounces) and thinnest (.88 inches) 9mm handgun. Diamondback's creation of the DB9 is a "quantum leap" towards affordable ($400?) mini-9mm pocketability, if they can get it off the ground and flying (it is not yet shipping to gun stores). Rohrbaugh has been successfully manufacturing and selling the world's smallest 9mm pistol (5.2x3.7 inches and weighing 13.5 ounces). I note that the Rohrbaugh is actually lighter than the PF9. The Rohrbaugh is state of the art, however it sells for about $1200, which lifts it out of almost anyone's price range. As far as shootability is concerned, and recoil, I believe these mini-9s are not impossible, but definitely unpleasant. Here's a very honest video of a couple of guys firing a Rohrbaugh. I believe that either the Kel-Tec PF9 or the Kahr CM9 represent a more practical size, weight and cost. When the DB9 comes out, I will investigate it some more.
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A Comment from Bob..."I would define shootability as the optimum blend of weight, size, and caliber choice; but adding concealability and carryability to the mix can result in guns that are very uncomfortable to shoot. Such appeared to be the case with the 9mm Rohrbaugh; and I noticed it didn't have a slide stop,
but it was small. I think manufacturers have reached the lower limit in both size and weight for 9mm handguns, and anything smaller is just for bragging rights."
A Comment from CR..."Hate to burst anone's bubble, but if you shoot them for any length, they just won't hold up. I've had two - both KelTecs - one since it first came out in '95. If you shoot them 50 rounds a week of duty ammo (for us thats the hot Fiocchi 9MM JHP) in short order they will wear out. Also if you shoot them with standard loads their power level is on the par with a really hot (Buffalo Bore) .380.
If you can live within their parameters - standard pressure loads for 95% of your shooting - then the light 9mms are a good alternative. If you intend to practice with the level of power you carry, then drop down to a slightly heavier (19 ounce - in an aluminum FEG SMC Walther clone) .380, and shoot the +p .380 ammo, and you won't be too far behind."
May 16, 2011 -- Kahr CM9 vs Kel-Tec PF9...Kahr's new CM9 sub-compact 9mm pistol is now shipping. You can read range reports and comments around the internet. The CM9 is Kahr's official less-expensive clone of its popular PM9. (You can see a great comparison photo here.) The PM9 has always been considered a superior little 9mm gun, but its MSRP of $786 has prevented a lot of people, including myself, from getting one. The CM9 is so similar, but is $221 cheaper. Street prices are running at approximately $450.00. This now puts it into the affordable region, and I predict they will sell like the proverbial hotcakes! (Even without maple syrup!) Which now puts ME into a dilemma of sorts. A month or two ago I sold my PF9, and now I am without a pocket-size/weight 9mm pistol. I have a GLOCK 26, but it is just a bit too large and heavy for my front pocket, even wearing khaki slacks. Should I get the new CM9, which is just barely smaller than the PF9? Or should I buy the less expensive PF9 ($300?), and spend the extra $150 on more 9mm ammo? I think, just to experience something a little different, I'll pick up a CM9, if I can find one.
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A Comment from R..."Have had a Kahr PM9 for 9 months. Lovely gun to shoot. About 2000 rounds, no problems (well the nut fell off the spring retainer, but Kahr mailed me one immediately -- it's only cosmetic, found it missing when I cleaned the gun after a day on the range.). Got it for $600. The CM9 looks like a good choice -- (get an extra mag). I carry it in a Desantis pocket holster, looks like I have a wallet in my front pocket. My wife's SW P&M9c is too big (but 2x the capacity)."
A Comment from C..."Buy the Kel-Tec and ammo!"
A Comment from Bob..."I agree with "C". Kahr makes an $800 gun that is now for sale for $500 because of some cosmetic changes... I've never heard anything bad about Kahr but this seems to be a poor marketing strategy."
A Comment from DJ..."I think the CM9 would make a nice addition if you can find one. The good thing is that the Kel-Tecs are usually available if you decide the CM9 is not for you. With your love and promotion of mouse guns, Kahr should be sending you a test gun."
May 15, 2011 -- Blogging, why do it?...I remember over a decade ago when I first got started with the WWW (World Wide Web, or Internet). People were making web sites, and I wondered "Why?" And then I realized that a web site could be a source of information and encouragement. It could be a way of extending your personal influence around the world. So, I learned how to code HTML, and experiment with a variety of HTML editors, and graphics editors, and started making web sites for churches and non-profit organizations. It was quite a learning experience! A few years ago BLOGGING became the next big deal. Not only could a person make a web site, he/she could write something every day, and add the comments of readers, too. Last November 2010 I decided to do the blogging thing, too; and so here I am typing this "observation." I've made some new friends this way, and I'm enjoying myself. I believe the activity and readership of has gone up. And I'm here for a purpose. I want to defend the 2nd Amendment. I want to make the USA a better place. I want to continue to learn about firearms, myself. And I want to promote common sense use of guns, and gun safety. Many thanks to all of you faithful readers for your support!
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A Comment from DJ..."This is an excellent blog, it is one of the few blogs/sites that I visit daily. I like that the blog is reasonably inclusive unlike other sites that ignore mouse guns. Great blog!"
A Comment from Paul..."I also enjoy your your website very much. I have been reading it every day for about 6 months. You truly have a wealth of information on the site, and insightful comments. I've been a handgun owner for about 30 years. In the mousegun category I have a Kel-Tec P32 and a S&W 642. I'm thinking about a PF9 or an LC9."
A Comment from Del..."And I agree with everything the others have commented about your blog."
A Comment from TS..."I check mouseguns almost everyday-sometimes more than once a day. I really enjoy this site; and its nice to know that not having a 45 or ?????? isn't the end of the world if you do not have one-a mousegun may be just right!"
A Comment from M..."Your blog is part of my daily Web routine. Lots of good information, and
well written. Thanks for taking the time and trouble."
A Comment from Bob..."The real thanks goes to you for maintaining a site with such rich
information about the world of guns and for posting others' opinions, agreeable or not, on all of the subjects you write about!"
May 14, 2011 -- The mythical all ceramic GLOCK 7...Every so often someone brings up the legendary GLOCK model 7, popularized by the movie "Die Hard 2: Die Harder". Supposedly made by GLOCK in Austria or Germany, this firearm is reported as capable of passing through airport metal detectors and x-ray machines completely unnoticed. It is rumored to cost an outrageous amount of money to produce just one pistol. A decade ago there was a big move from the anti-gunners to outlaw all "plastic" guns, especially GLOCKS, because news celebrities and anti-gun Congressmen were suffering from ignorance and hoplophobia. (You can read the whole story here.) It is interesting to idly speculate about the possibility of an all plastic or all ceramic gun, that could pass through x-ray machines and metal detectors. It seems to me that anyone who knows much about firearms could design and construct such a weapon without very much difficulty. However, those who know how to do such things would be well advised to keep their ideas to themselves.
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A Comment from G..."Once I saw this it set me on a quest to find the article or book (in which) I had actually read something pertinent to this widely discussed subject. Lucky for you I don't sleep much and have a photographic memory...I can say this is the best piece of info I have ever found that definately
pre-dates the movie, and is from a viable source. Let me know if you want more info on the author...
No cut and paste on this one so transcribed verbatim...'In 1964, I had a series of disagreements with some of the people I was doing work for, so my family and I moved back to Arkansas. Here I intended to do gun repair and custom rifle and shotgun work. But it wasn't long before I was contacted by some of the people I had dealt with before, wanting various special purpose guns, so I was right back into design and fabrication again. I built an all-plastic .22 pistol that would pass through any metal detector in the world. It wasn't really plastic; it was mostly nylon and had a ceramic firing pin. Ammunition for this weapon was concealed in a special belt buckle. Several were smuggled aboard aircraft completely
A Comment from Bob..."If a gun were made out of water, I don't think it could escape detection by airport full body scans or pat downs; but you might be able to pass through many metal detectors used in government buildings. The only weapon I've found that you can take anywhere, on an airplane, in a court room, in a police station, or even in California and Illinois, is a good old fashioned hickory cane! Yeah, I know it's not much compared to a gun, but it would be very helpful against those that are younger and stronger than you. And these days just about everybody is younger and stronger than I..."
A Comment from V..."Regarding your post on Mouseguns regarding the ceramic Glock: Yes, there was an "invisible" handgun. Frame was glass reinforced polycarbonate, smoothbore barrel wrapped with fiberglass. Propellant was an enhanced blackpowder. Projectile a glass ball 0.30 diameter. Ignition via a barium titanate piezoelectric crystal which was struck by a plastic spring. Short range only, terrible trigger pull, wretched ballistic coefficient and low muzzle energy, but totally invisible to the old LineScan X-Ray machines and metal detectors."
May 13, 2011 -- The Romance of the .45 Caliber Firearm...There's something about .45 caliber firearms that excites the imagination. It started in the Old West with the Colt "Peacemaker" .45 (we even have some beer with that name). The Colt Single Action Army revolver was introduced in 1873 and quickly became the most popular handgun, was adopted by the US Army. You could buy one mail order for $17.00 (which was a lot of money in those days, but not impossible). Custer's troops were armed with 1873 Springfield carbines in .45-70, and carried Colt 1873 revolvers in .45 Long Colt! The.45 Colt was owned by Buffalo Bill, John Wesley Hardin, Theodore Roosevelt, Wyatt Earp, Pat Garrat, Sam Bass, Judge Roy Bean, Billy The Kid, The James Brothers, The Dalton Gang and many others. In the early 20th century John Browning's 1911 semi-auto .45 ACP pistol became the official handgun of the US military, and is still very popular today. Modern technology brought us the GLOCK 21 in 1990, probably the most reliable and durable .45 caliber pistol ever made. (It has been adopted by many police departments as their standard sidearm.) The GLOCK 21 magazine holds 13 rounds, compared to six in the old revolvers, and 8 in the Browning 1911. The only drawback for the GLOCK 21 is that the grip is on the large side, and people with small hands may find it uncomfortable. In response, GLOCK made the grip slightly smaller, and the reach to the trigger slightly shorter, calling their new .45 a 21SF (Short Frame). I have small hands, and I like the feel of the GLOCK 21SF. Mouseguns are my forte, but I think I see a 21SF in my future.
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A Comment from Bob..."Arizona recently choose the 1873 SAA Colt .45 as its official state gun (Utah had previously picked the Browning 1911 .45). That leaves 48 states that have yet to declare an official state gun. It is unlikely that a Glock, being a relatively newcomer, will ever be made an official state gun in the U.S. But Glocks have the unparalleled reputation for reliability under the most adverse conditions and misuse a gun could be subjected to (it reminds me of the reputation awarded Toyota cars in the '70s for reliability). And reliability is my number one requirement in both guns and cars. One has to go bang every single time, no exceptions ever, and the other has to go, just go every single time, no exceptions. I may never own a Glock or an 1873 Colt, or a 1911 Browning but they all have my deep
A Comment from SB..."Tennessee will never choose a state gun, in my opinion. We are the patron state of shooting things, so ALL U.S. made guns would have to be our State Guns!"
May 12, 2011 -- Handgun Safeties...There are several kinds of semi-auto handgun safeties. There are grip safeties, thumb operated safeties, trigger safeties, magazine disconnect safeties and internal safeties. I like internal safeties. These are designed to either disconnect or block the firing pin until such time as you actually pull the trigger, which drops this sort of safety out of the way. Thus, if you should drop the gun to a concrete floor, there is virtually no chance that the gun will fire. The grip safety is a lever that sticks up out of the rear of the grip, and it must be squeezed flat by your palm to the grip as you press the trigger, or the gun will not fire. If your gun features a magazine disconnect safety, it will not fire unless you have a magazine fully inserted in your gun. GLOCK and GLOCK copies have a little lever in the middle of the trigger. As you press the trigger, you naturally squeeze this little lever, too, and this releases a safety. You might call it a grip safety for your trigger finger. The 1911 handguns are famous for both a grip safety and a thumb operated safety. They are designed to be carried "cocked and locked," and will not fire unless both safeties are released. Taurus and Ruger have thumb operated safeties. My personal preference is to have no safeties at all, except for the internal safety that prevents a gun from firing if dropped to the floor. I want to pick up my gun, press the trigger, and BANG! I want no safeties to have to think about in a stressful situation. Of course, all this safety business is assuming that you are carrying your gun with a round already chambered. If you really want to carry your gun in total safety, simply carry it with an empty chamber. That's what I do when my grandchildren are visiting. If there's no round in the chamber, the gun simply cannot fire, even if the trigger is accidentally pressed.
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A Comment from GC..."I don't like external safeties on pocket guns, since those safeties are likely to get turned off just by shifting around in the pocket or by a stray finger. My pocket carry weapons are all double action with triggers that insist on the shooter meaning it, so there's nothing to worry about. My belt guns, though, are single-action automatics with grip and thumb safeties. What we see here are different approaches to different jobs."
A Comment from Bob..."I agree, pocket pistols should all be as sledgehammer simple in operation as most double-action revolvers are. Present, point, pull in a self-defense situation without worrying about disengaging safeties or worse yet, chambering a round first. However, what I would like to see on a small automatic is an exposed hammer that would allow you to selectively fire in single action mode, BUT would return to double action mode for all subsequent shots (the opposite of what happens now) just like a revolver. The purpose of this feature would be to allow you to emphasize your willingness to shoot
by cocking the hammer and/or allow you to make a more accurate shot using less trigger pull when, say, target practicing. In such a pistol, the double action only trigger would only be slightly modified and would remain the primary safety feature. Regarding safety issues and kids finding loaded guns, several of my guns have the Taurus key lock that is quick and easy to disengage, so those guns are always kept loaded but locked and appropriately hidden, but kids find things..."
May 11, 2011 -- Storage of Firearms...Where do you keep your guns? I suppose the best solution is to have a heavy gun safe, large enough for your whole collection of rifles and pistols. If it is heavy enough, it should thwart any thieves that break into your home. As yet, I do not have a safe, but I realize I should get one. I have a basement with a concrete floor, and that's where I will put it. Where you store your firearms is especially important if you have children in your home. Obviously your guns should be out of sight and locked up. I have no sympathy for anyone who leaves a gun just lying around for children to find and play with. The only loaded gun I have is the one in my pocket. All my other firearms are unloaded AND locked in boxes, and are in out-of-the-way locations. Ammunition is locked in other boxes. I think it is also a good idea to keep some of your guns at another address. That way, if thieves get in, or your house burns down, you don't lose everything. I also believe that it is not a bad idea to do some kind of secret long-term storage for a rifle and a handgun, with some ammunition. Some people bury guns. There are other places to hide stuff away for decades, and yet be able to get it on demand. It takes some creative thinking. Am I paranoid? Well, a slight touch of paranoia, and a little less naivete, never did anyone any harm. Think about this: if you have a prized gun collection that you have loved with all your heart for years, how would you feel about it getting stolen? A safe may be very cheap insurance, indeed.
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A Comment from Bob..."I've often thought of a walk-in gun safe full of paramilitary weapons and assault rifles, located on an island mountain top, accessible only by helicopters; but then I think why spend the money... Being a little paranoid doesn't mean there really aren't guys out there that are after you. But all of my guns are in the starting line-up, and are either on me, in my car or strategically located in house and garage. No collectables in that group."
A Comment from MG..."Buying a good safe was money very well spent for me. My collection of hunting rifles and shotguns are worth around 9k; and after losing several in another home burglary a few years back, I decided on buying a gun safe. My first gun safe was not all that good, as a few years ago I did not research the various products available, and bought one I found on sale. Two years ago my collection had grown and I was out of room; and this time I researched gun safes for months on end, and finally settled on an Amsec BF 66X36. I highly recommend them."
May 10, 2011 -- The Proper Use of a Mousegun...Mouseguns are small pistols: .25, 22lr, .32 or .380 caliber. Mouseguns are often ridiculed by professional gun writers, and by many others. But their criticisms are almost always aimed at a "straw man." They criticize mouseguns for not being what they were never meant to be to begin with. Mouseguns are not designed to be general purpose firearms, good for every event in which you might want a gun. Pocket pistols are highly specialized weapons, meant for very limited tactical applications. In Ian Fleming's book/movie of the same name, villain Auric GOLDFINGER says to James Bond, brandishing his Colt Pocket Model .25 ACP, "I always shoot for the right eye... and I never miss!" Goldfinger's boast reminds us that mouseguns are meant ONLY for very close up and personal self-defense. They WILL be ineffective if used for long distance shooting, or if you shoot a villain in a non-vital part of his body. But if you can shoot your enemy in his right eye, you have successfully defended yourself. The purpose of a mousegun is NOT to enable you to be fully equipped to go to battle. The mousegun is there, in your pocket, to give you an edge, that's all. It is highly concealable and very easily portable. That's what it is for. So don't knock a mousegun because it can't do what a .45 can do. Mouseguns were never conceived as replacing full-size weapons.
A Comment from DJ..."The knock on these guns are well documented however it should be noted that not everyone can carry a 1911 each and everyday in every situation. The mouse gun has a place as the firearm that is always there, easily accessible."
A Comment from GC..."I heard advice on the subject that a pocket gun ought to be used only when you're close enough to set the goblin's clothes on fire with the muzzle blast. That being said, I still practice with mine out to at least ten yards on the grounds that getting better can't hurt."
A Comment from Bob..."By his own admission, Mr. Goldfinger is an expert marksman and an experienced killer, attributes missing from most backgrounds. To me, one of the benefits to always carrying a gun is the well-being associated with feeling prepared and having a Plan B! Although, this good feeling may
simply be wishful thinking, it appears real and I'm mature enough to never let it carry me away. But I'm not an expert marksman or a killer; and under extreme duress, my P-32 may fire 7 rounds without hitting an eye or anything else (in a self-defense situation). Would the same thing have happened if I had a Glock 17? Maybe for the first 7 rounds but with the next 10, something would get nailed! But my Glock 17 would be at home, locked up, because I would never carry it and the first rule of a gunfight
would be terminally violated. Hurray for mouseguns!!"
May 9, 2011 -- The Guns of the Yamato...The 72,000 ton Yamato was the largest battleship ever built, with the largest battleship guns. On April 1, 1945 American forces landed on Okinawa, and the Yamato was sent to attack. On April 7, she was discovered by American aircraft, 200 miles from Okinawa, south of Kyushu, and was immediately attacked with bombs and torpedos from US submarines. Eight torpedo's hit her port side and two hit her starboard. Each hit caused massive damage, and she began to sink. Two hours later she lost maneuverability, and listed 20 degrees to port. She was then hit in her exposed lower hull by two more torpedos. The Yamato's main ammunition magazine exploded, sending smoke thousands of feet high. Only 269 of her 3000 crew were saved. The 18.1 inch ( 46 cm) caliber guns used on the Yamato were the most powerful guns ever installed on a ship. The Japanese designated Yamato's guns as 15.9 inches in order to keep their actual caliber a secret. Each gun was almost 70 feet long, and weighed 162 tons. There are four remaining 18.1 inch "shells," two in Hiroshima and two on display at the Headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet in Hawaii. Each stands six feet tall, and weighs 3,200 pounds. The Yamato guns could fire these shells a distance of 26 miles at 40 second intervals. The muzzle velocity was 2,600 fps. Yet, the Yamato was relatively ineffective, proving wrong the old saying "bigger is better." Bigger is NOT better when it comes to guns. What counts is 1) the placement of shots; and 2) rapid deployment of whatever weapons you have. These principles apply to handguns, just as they do to battleships. If you are going to be in a gun battle, make sure YOU are the guy who shoots FIRST, and who hits accurately.
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A Comment from Bob..."USCCA recently sent out a number of downloadable gun related articles, one of which was titled "Mouseguns". The article was written by Cody Alderson, a notable author of books on survival and other subjects (I own several). He classifies mousegun calibers to be in the range of 9mm thru .22 short but dismisses anything smaller that a .380, and further considers the subcompact .380s and .38 special snubbies as "expert guns," meaning it takes expert skills to effectively operate this size gun. And further suggests that only a 9mm with a 3 inch barrel and/or a .38 special with any barrel longer than
a snubby are the only mouseguns suitable for Mr. Average concealed carrier, essentially saying that "bigger is better" in handguns. All other things being equal there is no substitute for size but all other things are never equal. And having a gun (first rule of a gunfight) makes placement of shots
and rapid deployment possible. Moral of his story is us mousegunners need lots of range time."
May 8, 2011 -- More About the Lone Ranger...The Lone Ranger used silver bullets because silver symbolized purity and justice. The Lone Ranger's horse, Silver, was shod with silver horseshoes! The Lone Ranger had a silver mine that he and his brother, Dan, had planned on using for their retirement. A retired Texas Ranger named Jim Blaine agreed to work it for him, and make the silver bullets. The Lone Ranger had a strict code of behavior:
A Comment from Bob..."All admiral qualities for any hero and I would like to add, from childhood memories, the following:
A Comment from PW..."To make it a 'Baker’s Dozen'
A Comment from D..."It was stated in the show that he used silver bullets because they were less deadly and his goal was not to kill. I don’t remember the exact words or the reality but this is what was said. I loved that show."
May 7, 2011 -- The Lone Ranger's Silver Bullets...It is rumored that the entire silver industry has become sold out of physical silver. In other words, you can still buy and sell in the markets, but those who are supposedly holding YOUR silver bullion don't have it, and won't ship to you if you ask. Last week the silver price was around $50 per ounce. Today's official price is around $35 per ounce, but you will have to pay about $70 for an actual ounce of silver (for example a Silver Eagle coin) at a coin shop (if you can find one in stock.) A roll of 20 Silver Eagles is available on EBay today for $1400. (EBay sellers are required to actually have their stock in hand.) All this makes me wonder! But let's think about the Lone Ranger for a moment. If he was like you and me, he would have a stockpile of ammunition. Assuming he shot .45 colt cartridges, each silver bullet would have weighed approximately 1/2 ounce. If he had stockpiled 2,000 rounds of ammo (which is a reasonable amount, especially for a working Texas Ranger), his silver stash would contain 1000 ounces of silver. At today's delivered silver prices, that would be worth about $70,000. The thing for you and me to remember is this: the price of delivered lead and brass is going up. So, get out there, spend some of your depreciating cash, and build up your ammo stockpile while you can afford it.
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A Comment from Bob..."Non economic but marginally related is the question why the masked man used silver bullets anyway, unless werewolves and vampires were among his targeted bad guys. It seems Mythbusters did a ballistic demo between silver and lead bullets, and determined lead had much better penetration; probably, because is was heavier."
May 6, 2011 -- Tips for the First Time Handgun Buyer...Well, you have decided to buy a handgun, for one reason or another. If you are a person of average means, an outlay of $400 to $600 makes a noticeable impact on your pocketbook, and you won't want to waste your money. Here are a few tips: 1) Guns are like printers (the cost of the ink is the real cost). Don't spend all your money on a gun; you will need some money for ammunition. Expect to pay about $8 per 100 for .22lr ammo. 9mm ammo will cost around $25 per hundred. All the other calibers are higher. Before you buy a particular gun, shop the gun stores in your area for ammo prices. 2) Decide if you want a revolver or a semi-auto pistol. Revolvers are generally more reliable, and easier to clean. Small flat semi-auto pistols are generally better for concealed carry (if you plan to get your handgun carry permit). GLOCK semi-auto pistols are just as reliable as revolvers. 3) If you for sure want a pocket pistol, you can't do better than a Kel-Tec P-32 or P-3AT. It's the most "bang for your buck," and Kel-Tec is famous for customer service. 4) The gun I recommend the most for the first-time buyer, who is not interested in pocket carry, is the GLOCK 19. It is a good all-round reliable 9mm pistol, and you can probably find one for about $530 plus tax. 5) Shop around. You will find big differences in prices from store to store. Don't be afraid to dicker. DO buy from a little "ma and pa" store if you can find one, and the prices are reasonable.
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A Comment from MV..."I certainly can’t argue with your suggestions, but I do have a little different perspective. My first pistol was an H&K 9mm USP, which I've had for years. Great gun with almost no recoil, and dead on at 30 feet, but a little on the large side. At the recommendation of my future son-in-law, I bought my first GLOCK, a 23. I will tell you that it far surpassed any desires I had in a pistol, for less dollars than the H&K. It was also comfortable, light and surprisingly accurate the first time out. I bought mine at a gun show for $450, and wear it anytime I can cover up. After a few months I let my brother talk me into a pocket gun, and settled on the PF9, for all the typical reasons about 9mm vs 32 or 380. I will tell you that the little Kel-Tec PF9 has become my favorite. It fits easily in the pocket or inside the waist band. It's light; and I keep it loaded with 9mm JHP for self defense purposes. I shoot Remington UMC ammo most times at the range, simply because of the cost. In other words, all my guns were less than $500; and the Kel–Tec, again bought at a gun show but from a local dealer, cost only $240. Glock 40 caliber on the hip, Kel-Tec 9mm JHP in the pocket, H&K 9mm JHP in the car. I feel well covered and happy; and I still have a few dollars left for ammo. And speaking of Ammo, a friend introduced me to USA Ammo a while back. Internet sales only, but the prices are great. It shoots a little dirtier than my Winchester or Remington, but not as bad as Federal and Wolf. Check it out! Now it’s my wife’s turn as a new "gunny." I introduced her to a Taurus 38 UltraLite; and by the end of the first 50 rounds she had a 4-inch pattern at 20 feet. She loves it; and the cost at a local dealer was $360. Next, maybe I'll get a Kel-Tec SU-16CA. Keep up the good work!"
A Comment from Bob..."A serious first time handgun buyer (new to shooting) should consider buying a .22 LR revolver before investing in a larger caliber gun. .22s can usually be bought cheaply, use cheap ammo, and are easy to shoot and simple in operation. Learning to shoot first towers over which gun to buy and why. Of course this does not apply to people who already know how to shoot or in emergency situations where you need a self-defense weapon now!"
A Comment from DJ..."Great comments on this subject! It is important for the purchaser to understand what their need is. Is this going to be your first or only firearm? In my opinion the 38 revolver is the perfect firearm for those that intend on purchasing one firearm. The 38 requires little maintenance, and is a manageable caliber for most to shoot. I think everyone should own a .22, but especially those who want to start competition shooting, or those who know that they will own multiple firearms. Also, great sites like this give good information for the new shooters."
May 5, 2011 -- Excerpt from The Weapon Shops of Isher...(One of my favorite Science Fiction novels, from 1951) "...An organization should be set up which would have one principal purpose-to ensure that no government ever again obtained complete power over its people. A man who felt himself wronged should be able to go somewhere to buy a defensive gun. You cannot imagine what a great forward step that was. Under the old tyrannical governments it was frequently a capital offense to be found in possession of a gun. What counts is that many millions of people have the knowledge that they can go to a Weapon Shop if they want to protect themselves and their families. And, even more important, the forces that would normally try to enslave them are restrained by the conviction that it is dangerous to press people too far. And so a great balance has been struck between those who govern and those who are governed. A person has to save himself. Even when you get a gun you have to nerve yourself to resist. That's the way it has to be. When a people lose the courage to resist encroachment on their rights, then they can't be saved by an outside force. Our belief is that people always have the kind of government they want and that individuals must bear the risks of freedom, even to the extent of giving their lives." A.E. Van Vogt Buy the Empire of Isher HERE.
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A Comment from Bob..."I've never read Mr. Van Vogt's books, but based upon the excerpt I conclude Isher is in a galaxy, far, far away. All the second amendment weapons in the world will be quickly confiscated by local police or a Seal Team Six, if necessary, when enslavement strikes. Only mountains of money
funneled through a focused organization can prevent enslavement by a powerful government. It would be wonderful to have a balance between government and the governed, and in the 1950s you could still imagine such things. However, today we do not live in a world with a level playing field."
May 4, 2011 -- Teach Your Children Well...Anyone remember the old song of the same title by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young? It was a big hit in 1970. I wonder what we are teaching our children about guns? Some fathers are worse than useless. Here's a news article from Reuters dated 4/29/2011: "A New York City third-grader and his father have been arrested after the boy sold a loaded 9mm pistol to a classmate for $3, police said on Friday...The unidentified boy and his father...were arrested Thursday in Queens after the buyer's mother alerted school authorities when he came home from class and showed her the weapon, thinking it was a toy...Police would not confirm local media reports that the weapon's serial number had been scratched off." What kind of a man leaves a loaded firearm around for his little boy to pick up and take to school? What kind of a little boy sells a pistol for $3 to a classmate? This kind of stuff makes me feel frustrated. All I can say is this: Let's you and I be doubly determined that we never do anything this stupid.
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A Comment from PW..."Sadly, while caution and knowledge govern real gun enthusiasts’ interest; it is inescapable that carelessness and ignorance permeate the interests of criminals and fools."
May 3, 2011 -- The guns that killed Osama Bin Laden...It has been my privilege to know a couple of SEALS, and it's possible I may know one of the team that was in on the raid which killed Bin Laden. He is a fine young man, and we pray for him regularly. Some of the internet gun blogs are speculating about what sort of weapon or weapons killed him. One even says Americans will be hitting the gun stores to buy that particular firearm. The most informative account of the raid that I have read is HERE. According to a Wikipedia article the SEALS began using the SIG P226 in 1980. The SEAL version has a special phosphate corrosion-resistant finish on internal parts, contrast sights, and a stainless steel slide engraved with an anchor to designate them as Naval Special Warfare pistols. Other SEAL weapons include: the M4A1 with a Special Operations modification kit; possibly also a Mark 18 CQBR; possibly an AR 15 carbine firing a 5.56, 6.8 or 7.62 mm round. Other possibilities: the FN SCAR or a SigArms 550 variant. "Two to the head" sounds as if a pistol would have been used, finally.
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A Comment from DJ..."No doubt that this is not over; however it is now known that even under the possible protection of another country, they can and will be touched."
A Comment from Bob..."Geronimo! A spectacular assault by American commandos that exacted sweet revenge on Al Qaeda's top henchman! Using 4 helicopters loaded with a 79-strong combat force, that only killed 4 combatants and 1 woman, who had been used as a shield. Absolutely marvelous execution and escape before
Pakistani military forces could be mobilized, thereby avoiding any confrontation. We may have to wait for the movie to come out before learning more details but it would be amazing to find out Bin Laden had been dispatched with a pistol."
A Comment from MV..."I truly don't wish to throw cold water on the enthusiasm and celebration, and I heartily concur that this is a long awaited resolution; but we need to remember that this person was held in much awe and reverence by his followers. I can't believe the military and intelligence agencies aren't expecting retaliation for his death, and even more diatribe because of the woman's death. Keep your eyes open and your protection near. It ain't over yet."
May 2, 2011 -- Larger .380 ACP Pistols...I've been thinking about the larger size .380 pistols, and how you never read much about them on the internet or in the gun magazines. There is prejudice against the .380 cartridge. Macho men consider it to be pretty wimpy, and the only reason it has taken off in recent years is the miniature pocket-gun concept. ".380 is too small, but I can't carry a 9mm in my pocket, so I will grudgingly settle for .380." That seems to be the attitude. But I would like to suggest that .380 ACP is a perfectly acceptable self-defense caliber (I hear the boos and hisses already!) even if you choose to carry a larger pistol. For most of the 20th century it was common for police and army officers in many countries to carry the lowly .32 caliber pistol, and it worked adequately. The .380 is a step up in power from the .32. A larger .380 would be excellent for a person who is very sensitive to recoil, due to old age or injuries to hands and wrists. And there are a lot of really interesting larger .380 pistols. I'll list a few here with hyperlinks:
Walther PPK
Walther PK380
Taurus PT58
Browning BDA
Beretta 84 or 86
Makarov and HERE.
SIG 232
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A Comment from A..."The SIG 232 is a superior .380. Mine is in stainless steel. It's not a pocket pistol, and I don't try and use it as such. Loaded with MagSafe ammo (close neighbors) it's a comfort to keep at hand around the house. The Sig 232 has never malfunctioned. Appreciate your daily Scripture readings and your good work at Mouseguns."
A Comment from Bob..."It is ironic that the new breed of compact .380s have actually saved the caliber from fading in to history but not the gun genre that the caliber was created for. To me, it seems like it is just a simple case of not enough bang for the buck. Full-size .380s cost as much as full-sized .9mms and 9mm rounds are cheaper to buy. So, unless you are driven by nostalgia or have a weak wrist, the full-size .380s don't make a lot of since. But, the .380 caliber has now become one of the kings of concealed carry and backup guns and that is quite a distinction."
May 1, 2011 -- BBC Announces (May 1, 1945) that Adolph Hitler is dead... and there is great rejoicing all over England, France and most of Europe. There are still rumors and legends that Hitler actually escaped and secretly made his way to South America, where he lived out a normal life span. However, to the best of our knowledge, he shot himself with a 7.65mm (.32 ACP) Walther PPK, on April 30, in a bunker in Berlin, and then his body was doused with gasoline by his loyal followers, and incinerated in the Reichsgarten above the bunker. Hitler's armament developers were responsible for bringing to life the most effective assault weapon of WW2, the Sturmgewehr44, which was a refinement of earlier models of 1938 and 1940. The Sturmgewehr44 was the direct ancestor of Kalashnikov's AK-47. The S44 used a 30-round magazine. Fewer than 120,000 were produced, since the war was nearing an end. The S44 retained the 7.92 mm caliber common to other German weapons, but the bullet was shorter with less powder. The recoil was lighter, but the bullet was still lethal at up to 500 meters. Each S44 soldier carried 210 rounds of ammunition.
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A Comment from Bob..."Even more reason to like the .32 ACP (my favorite carry round)! And I believe the Israeli Nazi-hunters accounted for all of the high profile criminals in the Third Reich, so no sunny vacation nor a nice comfortable death by old age for mein Fuhrer. Still, he escaped any just punishments... I'm surprised that the AK-47 had its roots in German engineering, but then the Russians occupied half of Germany after the war."